Science writing matters (1 of 2)
Note: this article is not about AI safety in particular.1
I’m troubled by the level and extent of scientific, mathematical, and rational understanding in the world. To the extent society doesn’t properly value science, we all suffer.2
Science writing (sci-wri) is one tool for improving scientific interest and literacy. I use the term to include various topics and modalities:
- science, math, rationality
- blogging, articles, interactive tools, videos
A big question
What do you think? Consider thinking about it for a few minutes.
When you’re ready, part 2 awaits.
There is a connection: science writing is a key mechanism to communicate AI safety findings to a broader audience.
Why? A society that properly values science and rationality makes better decisions. Scientific appreciation at a societal level affects individuals, organizations, and governments. It manifests as education, funding, health, and wisdom.3
I’m not claiming that causation flows from society to individuals. Still, it is useful to consider an explanatory model where society affects individuals. Speaking normatively, it is desirable for the “science is important” meme to spread into many individuals and become a significant part of our culture.